For a second Branford DUI offense, the penalties begin to get even more severe. This is because the state begins to see your driving under the influence offenses as an underlying substance issue. Or, the state might simply think that you do not care about other people’s safety or taking responsibility for your actions. The state may feel that because previous penalties for a first-time DUI were not enough to stop you from committing a second DUI offense, that the penalties need to be more severe. As a result, 2nd DUI penalties increase from what they were for your first offense. You can learn more about 2nd offense DUI penalties on this page.
Penalties For Second Branford DUI
The penalties increase with each DUI that you are convicted of, and for the second are as follows. For a second Branford DUI, you may face consequences of: up to two years of imprisonment with 120 days mandatory served, probation, 100 hours of community service, a $4,000.00 fine, a 45-day loss of your driver’s license, use of an ignition interlock device for three years following the reinstatement of your driver’s license, the first year of which you can only drive to work, school, substance abuse treatment, or ignition interlock services.
If the defendant is under 21, they face all of the penalties mentioned above. In addition, they will lose their license for three years, or until they reach 21, whichever is longer.
Call us today to schedule a free consultation with my team. Hope will not fix your Connecticut DUI charge. Contacting us can!
Connecticut courts treat 2nd DUIs as more than mere mistakes or a single lapse in judgment. As such, many offenders are ordered to serve prison time. However, if you find yourself in this position, try not to worry. This is most often suspended by the court, and you may be asked to serve a probation sentence instead.
This means that any probation violation will send you to prison for the entirety of your original DUI sentence. A new crime, such as a new DUI charge, will complicate your situation. This is because you will now have to face the original penalty of your DUI charge as well as the criminal penalties for whatever additional crime you are charged with. Further, probation will be lengthy, and there will certainly be some type of fine involved.
Second Branford DUI offenses are a serious predicament and are absolutely best handled by a trained professional. To speak with a Branford DUI defense lawyer who has worked with second DUI offenders, contact Lady DUI as soon as possible.