Having a commercial driver's license (CDL) and operating a commercial motor vehicle is serious business. As such, the state of Connecticut takes motor vehicle violations or crimes committed by CDL holders very seriously. Such issues can impact your license as well as your freedom. Learn more on this page.
Connecticut holds those with a commercial driver’s license (CDL) to a higher standard of care than it does regular drivers and a CDL suspension could happen if the driver is under the influence. This is due to the hazardous nature of the items being transported and the large machines doing so. The DMV feels that those driving commercial vehicles should be extra careful and responsible because accidents can have dire consequences. As such, the penalties for a CDL holder that gets a Cheshire DUI can be very serious. Even for first-time offenders, the consequences can impact your professional and personal life to a significant degree. You can learn more on this page.
CDL Suspension Issues
A first-time DUI conviction, refusal of a blood alcohol content (BAC) test, or failure of the breathalyzer results in a one-year disqualification if the person is driving a regular vehicle and three years if operating under their CDL.
State law, states that disqualification will take effect when:
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A person refuses to take a BAC test under any circumstances and regardless of whether the CDL driver was utilizing their CDL license at the time of the BAC test.
A person fails a BAC test, which would be a BAC of .04% or higher while driving a commercial vehicle, or a .08% or higher while driving any other vehicle.
A person is convicted of a DUI resulting from driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Defenses against a DUI in criminal court do not overcome this, and an automatic disqualification is triggered. After the CDL suspension period ends, the person will be able to resume using their CDL, but any subsequent DUIs would result in a lifetime ban. This lifetime ban can be challenged after 10 years, but the person must show voluntary entry into a substance abuse program, as well as good cause.
Federal Guidelines For CDL Suspension
Further, not only do CDL drivers need to contend with state law, but there is also federal oversight by way of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. This agency has its own rules, among them being a permanent .04% BAC level no matter what kind of vehicle a CDL holder is driving and the assumption of intoxication if the BAC is refused or failed. This is harsher than Connecticut law that only imposes a .04% BAC limit when one is operating under their CDL license.
Obtaining a CDL takes time and money and is largely done for employment purposes. This, coupled with the fact that there are quite harsh penalties associated with a DUI, means that these people are particularly exposed to life-altering consequences. To speak with an attorney who has worked with CDL holders after they have been charged with DUI, contact Lady DUI today.
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