Second DUIs in Glastonbury are handled a bit more seriously than first DUIs. This is because the court is seeing a second offense as a pattern of dangerous behavior, inspired by the defendant not caring or having a severe substance issue. If you are facing a 2nd DUI offense in Connecticut, the penalties that you face will be more severe than a first conviction. On this page, you can learn more about the consequences and how to protect yourself.
Criminal Penalties of Second DUIs
Second-time DUIs have the following potential punishments, (1) Two-year imprisonment with 120 days in jail as a mandatory minimum, (2) Probation and community service of 100 hours, (3) Fines not exceeding $4,000.00, (4) A license suspension for 45 days or until the person reaches the age of 21, whichever is longer, followed by three years of the use of an ignition interlock system on the vehicle(s) you drive, (5) And one year of only driving to work, school, ignition services, or treatment program. If the person is under 21, the suspension is until they reach 21 or 3 years, whichever is longer.
As stated earlier, second offense DUIs are viewed with much more suspicion and anger by the courts, as it feels to them, as if the person does not care or is unable to manage their behavior in a manner that is safe for others and themself. Pre-trial diversionary programs are not available to second-time DUIs as the person no longer qualifies. This means that the defendant may serve some jail time, although this is often suspended. A suspended sentence means that the person is released, but if they violate probation in any way, they can be sent back to serve the entirety of their sentence.
Call us today to schedule a free consultation with my team. Hope will not fix your Connecticut DUI charge. Contacting us can!
Impact on Your Life
Further, these DUIs typically result in large fines and the ignition interlock system, which is expensive to obtain and maintain. Perhaps most impactful though is the criminal conviction, which could have life-altering and lifelong consequences on housing, education, and employment.
Given the serious nature of second Glastonbury DUIs, it is imperative that one speak with a DUI defense attorney who has defended second offenses before. Please contact Lady DUI if you find yourself in this position – we are happy to help.