For many jobs, a DUI conviction will not destroy your career. As long as you find a way to get to work on time and your work is not affected by your DUI, there should be no problem with you keeping your job. However, some employers take DUIs more seriously than others, for instance if you are a teacher. This is the case with many professions, but it is particularly the case among teachers.
If you are a teacher convicted of a DUI, there is a chance that your contract will not be renewed. Or, you could lose your job immediately. You might even have to face the loss of your teacher certificate. This depends on the circumstances of your DUI and the state that you live in.
If you are a teacher facing a DUI charge, it is important that you prepare yourself for the consequences that you might face. That being said, hiring a reputable DUI defense attorney can help you to win your case. This could help save your job. Consult a DUI attorney in order to consider your best plan of action and how you can keep your job.
DUI as Misdemeanor
Call us today to schedule a free consultation with my team. Hope will not fix your Connecticut DUI charge. Contacting us can!
In the state of Connecticut, a DUI is considered a misdemeanor and not a felony in most cases. Because a DUI – especially a first offense – is considered a minor offense, it is possible that you will not be fired because of it. Furthermore, because a first offense is not considered a felony, getting a DUI in Connecticut does not automatically mean that your teaching certificate will be revoked. However, if you have multiple DUI offenses, your job might be in more danger.
Will You Lose Your Job as a Teacher?
If you are fired as a result of a DUI, your future employment could be affected as well. Your financial situation might take a hit as a result of the case. Also, if you lose your job you could be facing serious problems. Once you receive a DUI, it will remain on your driving record. This means that when you go to apply for a new teaching job, your must inform your potential employer of your DUI.
If you do not, that employer can look up your driving record and criminal history. If they learn that you withheld important information, it could affect your credibility and keep you from getting a new job. As a result, getting a DUI can affect both your current and future job situations.
Many school superintendents will terminate a teacher’s job if they are convicted of a DUI. This is because getting a DUI indicates poor decision making. An employer might view a DUI charge as unprofessional and irresponsible. These negative characteristics take on more importance when considering a person who is charged with the task of teaching children. If you can prove to your employer that although you made a mistake, you are changing your habits and seek to be a more responsible person, there is a chance that you will not be fired.
While there is no guarantee that you will be fired from your job if you receive a DUI, this is something that is a serious possibility if you are a teacher. Consider these consequences before drinking and driving. If you have already received a DUI charge, consider hiring a DUI lawyer to help you defend your case.