A Connecticut DUI can impact your life in many different ways. The penalties imposed by the DMV and the court can be serious, and it is important to know what you are up against if you have been charged with a DUI. In this section of our website, we discuss the various Connecticut DUI penalties and give you information on how you can fight them.
Court Penalties and Alternatives
The court can impose many different types of consequences if you are convicted of a DUI in Connecticut. These penalties will oftentimes differ depending on how many DUI convictions you have. First offenses are treated less harshly than second, third, or subsequent DUIs.
The penalty that you are likely most concerned about is having to go to jail. On this page, I discuss the jail penalties for different DUI offenses, as well as some alternatives. A DUI defense lawyer can help you determine the best way to avoid jail time if that is your goal.
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Another way that you can avoid jail time is by taking advantage of a diversion program in Connecticut. You can learn more here.
Another potential alternative to jail time or additional penalty is court ordered community service. There are many organizations that you can volunteer with throughout Connecticut. The standard community service penalty is 100 hours, so make sure that you find a court-approved place to do your community service. You don’t want to have to do it again! For more information, check out our court ordered community service page.
Additional Penalties
Above, I discussed some of the common penalties associated with first, second, third, or subsequent DUIs. However, if a person is convicted of a DUI with an elevated blood alcohol content (BAC), the penalties also increase. In Connecticut, an elevated blood alcohol content is considered anything over .16%. Testing at this level or higher will result in elevated penalties. You can learn about these penalties here.
DMV Penalties and Alternatives
A DUI charge in Connecticut is accompanied by a license suspension issued by the DMV. While this suspension can be challenged, it can be difficult for the DMV to overturn such a suspension. However, the DMV offers work and education permits that, if granted, allow a person to drive to and from work or school. You can learn more about these limited license programs on this page.
Getting Help
If you have additional questions about DUI penalties, check out the other pages in this section of our website. We are also happy to answer your questions during a free consultation. Give us a call to speak with a lawyer today. We can provide additional resources, review your situation, and make sure that your rights are protected throughout this process.