Oftentimes when a person is charged with a Connecticut DUI, community service is a potential punishment that they face from the court. This is the case whether you face a first, second, third, or subsequent DUI conviction. 100 hours of community service is the standard penalty associated with DUI, and is sometimes used as an alternative to a jail sentence, particularly for a first offender. On this page, you can learn more about court ordered community service.
Serving in Connecticut
Completing your court ordered community service is largely up to you. The court will order the community service, but they will not select an organization for you to work with for you. Also, they will not set up the service for you. That is your job, and if you are new to this it can be overwhelming.
The first thing that you should do when you get court-ordered community service is to research the organizations that have openings. The volunteer opportunities in Connecticut are not always the same. You can look online to see where there are volunteer opportunities available.
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When you find a place that you are interested in volunteering with, you have to go through the application process. This can be a complicated and frustrating process. If you need help with the application, my office is happy to help you gather the necessary information.
Finding an Organization
There are a few resources that can help you find community service opportunities near you. Websites such as The United Way, 211ct.org, and volunteermatch.org can show you what is available near you.
Once you are accepted to work with an organization, you should get in touch with the court to talk about how they want you to record and submit your hours. Make sure that the court is ok with you working with the organization that you have chosen.
It is up to you to complete the hours that the court requires. If you need to have something signed by the organization to prove your hours, it is up to you to be in touch with the organization about this. It is also your responsibility to submit any forms to the court.
The good news is that you don’t have to go through the community service process alone. If you need help finding an organization, applying, or completing your hours, you can contact my office. I am happy to walk you through this process and make sure that everything goes smoothly. Doing everything right the first time is a good idea to make sure that there are no issues.