Should you tell your employer that you have been arrested for or convicted of a Connecticut DUI? There are some situations in which you need to disclose this to your employer. In other situations, you may be able to use your discretion to determine the best way to proceed in your situation. Learn more about your options on this page.
Telling people that you have been charged with a Connecticut DUI can be embarrassing. It is something that could impact your employment status. This is something that you might want to keep to yourself, and while there is no need to tell some people in your life, other people may require knowledge of the situation you find yourself in. Telling your boss that you have been charged or convicted of a DUI is a decision that you should consider.
In some situations, you may need to tell your employer under your employee contract. Or, if you need to drive for your job and your license is suspended, your company should be informed. On this page, you can learn more about situations in which you need to tell your boss about a DUI and situations where it is not necessary. If you are not under a legal obligation to inform your employer of your charge, you still may consider telling them. Learn more about your options here.
Situations Where You Need to Tell Your Employer
In most cases, you need to inform your boss that you have been charged with or convicted of a Connecticut DUI. Some situations in which your employment hinges on a clean record are:
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If you have a professional license that is in jeopardy because of your conviction. For dentists, pilots, doctors, nurses, etc. who have professional licenses, a criminal conviction can lead to license suspension or revocation. This means their employment would have to change. If you find yourself in this situation, you should inform your boss of what is going on and what you can and cannot do while your professional license is under review.
If you drive for a living and your driver’s license has been suspended by the DMV. This might be the case if you are a commercial driver’s license (CDL) holder, or if you drive for work because you deliver food, work in ride-sharing, etc. If you don’t have a valid driver’s license, you should not be on the road and this could impact your ability to work.
If your employment contract says that you need to inform your boss of any criminal arrests. Review your contract to see if this is the case. If you are obligated to provide this information, withholding it will lead to trouble.
Failure to tell your employer about a DUI in one of these situations can lead to employment sanctions or even job termination. In order to avoid these consequences, make sure that you alert your boss to your DUI as soon as you are charged.
Should You Tell Your Employer?
If you do not find yourself in one of the situations listed above, you may not be legally obligated to inform your employer of your DUI arrest or conviction. Now that Connecticut laws are changing and automatic pardons for certain criminal acts are available, you may not have a record or need to inform your boss. In most circumstances, DUIs are included in the Clean Slate Bill which allows for this. Alternatively, if you are a first-time DUI offender and you have utilized a diversionary program, your DUI charges will be dismissed and you don’t have to disclose a conviction.
However, it is your decision to inform your boss of a charge or not. This is something that should be discussed with a DUI defense lawyer to determine the best course of action for your specific situation. A lawyer can review your job security, the legal elements of your situation, and what is best for what you are going through. For more information, contact us.
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