People dealing with a first DUI have often not dealt with the criminal justice system before, which compounds the feelings of confusion and anxiety when in this situation. It is important to take note that first-time Windsor DUIs have quite significant punishments associated with them. If you find yourself charged with this crime, you may be confused and unsure of how to proceed. On this page, I will discuss what you can expect from a first DUI and how to protect yourself.
Penalties for a First DUI
First, let’s consider the penalties associated with a first offense DUI. The penalties include a jail sentence of up to six months with a mandatory minus of two days spent in jail, a fine not to exceed $1,000.00, probation with 100 hours of community service, A license suspension of 45 days, and one year of using an ignition interlock device (IID) on any vehicle(s) that you drive.
As you can see, these consequences of a first DUI can be severe. However, in the state of Connecticut, 1st DUI offenders are often eligible for pretrial diversionary programs. If completed successfully, these programs result in the DUI charge being dismissed. These programs require the defendant to waive the right to a speedy trial, agree to toll the statute of limitations, and complete the program successfully.
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This program typically involves 10-15 counseling sessions and any further treatment ordered by the court. Typically there is a victim impact panel or some time of class offered by MADD that will be required as well. It is the division of the court known as court support services and the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services that do the evaluations and make the recommendation to the court about what would be most beneficial and appropriate for the given defendant.
Underage Penalties
The consequences for someone who is underage are in some ways even harsher. This is because the penalties above apply, but the person cannot have a blood alcohol content (BAC) reading above .02%. Those under 21 also are not eligible for the pretrial diversionary program. In addition, they cannot use their youthful offender status. Further, when arrested, their license will be taken by the arresting officer, and it will only be returned if the parent accompanies the minor to the police station and signs out the license once the suspension has lapsed.
Despite first DUIs being treated less harshly than subsequent DUIs, the punishments are still severe and may have long-lasting implications for the driver and their life. As such, it is imperative that the person obtain legal representation that will best put forth their defenses and seek out the best possible solution. To speak with a Windsor DUI defense lawyer on these matters, contact Lady DUI. We are happy to meet with you during a free consultation to discuss your situation and your options. Together, we can get the best outcome for the situation that you find yourself in.