A first time DUI charge in Derby can come as quite a shock. Certainly, you did not plan for the stress, cost, and consequences of getting arrested for driving under the influence. However, this is a situation that Connecticut residents face on a regular basis. If you find yourself in this position, try not to panic. While all might seem lost, this is not the reality! There are many ways that you can defend yourself against the charges and mitigate the consequences that you face. If you have been charged with a Derby 1st DUI offense, learn how to protect yourself with the information on this page.
Defending Yourself
First and foremost, there are many strategies that you and your legal team can take to defend you against the charges that you face. The charges may be reduced or dismissed in some situations, so do not automatically think that you are going to face maximum penalties in you face a 1st DUI charge in Derby.
Many elements of your stop and arrest may not have been done properly. A good Derby DUI defense lawyer can review the specific circumstances of your case and determine if some evidence is bad or how to defend you against it.
Call us today to schedule a free consultation with my team. Hope will not fix your Connecticut DUI charge. Contacting us can!
For example, you may have faced an illegal stop or search of your vehicle. The police officer may have improperly performed standardized field sobriety tests, the results of which should not be used in court. Other tests, such as breathalyzer tests, blood tests, and urine tests, may also have been improperly performed or the results may have been improperly analyzed. In these situations, the test results may not be valid to use as evidence against you in court.
These are just a few ways in which a DUI defense lawyer might be able to weaken the prosecution’s case against you. Of course, not all of these defenses will be available in your situation, and there are many other possible defenses to consider. A good Derby DUI defense lawyer can help you determine the best strategy for defending your rights.
Potential Penalties
Of course, if you have been arrested for a first offense DUI in Derby, it is important to prepare yourself for the consequences that you could face. These include:
- A maximum six month jail sentence.
- A maximum fine of $1,000.
- A maximum community service period of 100 hours.
- Probation.
- A maximum driver’s license suspension of 45 days.
- A requirement to use an ignition interlock device in your vehicle for one year after your driver’s license is restored.
- Additional penalties such as court fees, attorney fees, premium rates on your car insurance, a civil lawsuit if you caused an accident, etc.
Certainly, these penalties are nothing to trifle with and you should take them seriously. However, as mentioned above, there are many ways to defend yourself against the charges that you face. There are also ways for first time offenders to minimize the penalties that they face. For example, many first time offenders do not have to serve a jail sentence and can instead participate in a treatment program, do community service, or go on probation. There may be many options available to you, and you can determine the best one with your lawyer.