If a person has already been convicted of a first and second DUI in Glastonbury, a third or subsequent DUI charge can be very severe. At this point, the state may consider you a persistent offender and penalize you as such. On this page, learn more about potential penalties that you face for this crime.
Connecticut law is particularly harsh to those who have a third DUI or are facing more DUIs. This occurs when there have been two or more DUI arrests, in any state, in the last ten years. The court is no longer sympathetic to the driver and is instead concerned with public safety because they are a repeat offender. If you are facing a third or subsequent DUI in Glastonbury, read on for more information on the consequences that you face. The best way to defend yourself is by finding a DUI defense lawyer. It is particularly helpful to find a lawyer who has handled 3rd offense DUI cases before.
Third DUI Penalties
Consequences for a third DUI are much more serious than for first or even second offenses. They include:
A prison sentence of up to three years with a mandatory minimum of one year served.
100 hours of community service and probation.
A fine not exceeding $8,000.00.
A two-year license suspension.
If the driver’s license is reinstated, the driver must permanently use an ignition interlock system in their vehicle(s).
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The commissioner may lift the ignition requirement after 15 years at their own discretion. If the DMV does not reinstate the license after the time lapses, the commissioner may so choose to lift it himself. The commissioner must decide if the person is still a danger to themself and the community if they are allowed to operate a motor vehicle. This is typically done by the person voluntarily entering a substance treatment program and showing sobriety and a positive change in their life to the commissioner.
Persistent Offenders
In Connecticut, there is a statute to determine persistent offenders. Persistent offenders are defined as those convicted of second-degree manslaughter or assault with a motor vehicle, or those convicted of DUI in the past 10 years. These people, as well as those with aggravating circumstances, typically face the most severe penalties. Aggravating factors include someone being seriously injured or killed, someone fleeing, or resisting, child endangerment, driving with double the legal BAC limit, etc. Further, under Connecticut law, repeat DUI offenders are required to submit to a drug and alcohol assessment and undergo a treatment program.
If you have been arrested for a third or subsequent DUI, the punishments are going to become severe, and it is important that you look out for your own best interests by hiring a competent and qualified attorney. Call Lady DUI today to speak with a lawyer today.
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