In some cases, drivers will have their licenses revoked by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) because they have a medical condition that prevents them from driving safely. However, Connecticut has a Limited License Program that allows a person who’s license has been suspended due to a medical issue to have a limited license. You can learn more about the limited license program here.
What is the Limited License Program?
Limited licenses can be awarded to drivers who have medical conditions preventing them from driving safely in all conditions. This type of license is available to new drivers who have never had a license before, or drivers whose ability to drive has changed due to a medical condition. A medical professional can recommend a limited license and show the DMV that the person is safe to drive in limited situations.
In order to be eligible for a limited license, a driving skills evaluation may be required. This can be administered by a trained DMV staff member. If you have a current driver’s license, you don’t have to pay an additional fee in order to get a limited license.
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If you would like to get a limited license in Connecticut, you can apply for one at the Wethersfield Department Motor of Motor Vehicles. This is located at 60 State Street, Wethersfield, CT 06109.
Your License
The DMV may require that you switch from a regular driver’s license to a limited driver’s license after findings from a Medical Review Hearing. These are hearings to determine if you are safe to drive, if you are safe to drive in limited situations, or if you are not safe to drive at all.
If the DMV issues you a limited license, you may need to file updates about your medical condition with the DMV. This helps the DMV determine if you continue to be safe to drive on the roads and assures them that you are not a danger to yourself or others if you are behind the wheel.
The Medical Advisory Board, the DMV, and a medical professional can determine the appropriate restrictions for your driver’s license. For example, they may find that you should only drive during daylight hours to avoid issues driving in the dark. This is one of the more common restrictions for a limited license.
Saving Your License
If the DMV determines that your driver’s license should be suspended due to a medical condition or concern for the safety of yourself and others on the road, a limited license program is a good alternative to having no license. A lawyer can argue on your behalf that you should be granted a limited license. Contact our office for more information. We can work with the DMV to determine the best way to proceed. If you are eligible for a limited driver’s license, we can work with you to make sure that you fulfill the requirements and obtain this license. We can offer additional resources and help you find the best solution for your situation.